The Evil Eye

The evil eye and its bad effects are not only superstitions, but have been mentioned in many verses and ahadith, and the infallibles (a.s.) have used and presented solutions for themselves and others to repel, prevent and remove these bad effects.

“Razavi Group” has prepared an amulet that has repelling and preventive properties as well as healing properties to prevent the evil eye and also to those who are affected and suffer from its consequences.

The difference between Razavi’s evil eye amulet and other similar amulets in the market

Our evil eye amulet consists of two amulets that are written on the real deerskin.

It is possible that in the market, some instructions for preparing amulets are not followed correctly, but “Razavi Group” considers itself obliged to prepare its products according to the instructions of hadiths.

In preparing this amulet, it is necessary for the writer to recite Surah Hamad before starting. Therefore, the writers of “Razavi Group ” are paying attention to it.

Document of the evil eye amulet

In the book “Makarim al-Akhlaq” written by Hassan bin Fazl Tabarsi, two narrations have been mentioned to repel and cure the evil eye, which we refer to.

Text of the amulet

The firs amulet

لمن تصيبه العين

يقرأ فاتحة الكتاب ويكتب: باسم الله أعيذ فلان بن فلانة بكلمات الله التامات من شر خلق وذرأ وبرأ ومن كل عين ناظرة وأذن سامعة ولسان ناطق ، إن ربي على صراط مستقيم ، ومن شر الشيطان وعمل الشيطان وخيله ورجله ، وقال يا بني لا تدخلوا من باب واحد وادخلوا من أبواب متفرقة

For the one who is affected by the evil eye

He recites Fatihat al-kitab (surah Hamd) and writes the amulet above.


The first amulet is for someone who is affected by the evil eye. This means that this amulet has healing properties and removes bad conditions of the evil eye for the person who suffers from it.

It is also said that Surah Hamad should be recited before writing this amulet.

One of the properties of this amulet is to prevent others from speaking bad before the owner.


The second amulet

عوذة للعين

اللهم رب مطر حابس وحجر يابس وليل دامس ورطب ويابس رد عين العين عليه في كيده ونحره وماله، فارجع البصر هل ترى من فطور ، ثم ارجع البصر كرتين ينقلب إليك البصر خاسئا وهو حسير


This second amulet is written to prevent the evil eyes. The person who owns this amulet will be safe from the evil eyes by God’s grace.



In order to acquire and make the purchase of the evil eye amulet click here


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