Hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) + pdf

hirzrazavi Imam Jawad hirz

The cause of a hadith means the background causing the Infallible Imam (a.s.) to speak and state a decree or put forward a matter or reject and deny something or even perform a task. Since the Infallibles’ words would not be issued without a reason, discovering the cause for issuing a hadith is effective in understanding it. Stating the cause for issuing a hadith, which shows the social conditions, cultural and scientific atmosphere, Imam’s mood in saying it, the addressee’s personality, and the like, influences the validity of the tradition. One of the advantages of Hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) is stating the cause for it and how it was issued.

The story behind the Hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) – Part one

The account as presented by Hakima (Imam al-Jawad’s sister):

When Imam Mohammad Taqi (a) was martyred, I went to meet his wife, Omm Isa, Maʾmoon’s daughter and gave her condolences. I found her in ultimate sorrow and she was impatient and was crying severely, in a way that she was to die due to that. Then, we were talking about Imam’s attributes like his generosity, good character, honesty, sincerity, dignity and respect.

Omm Isa said, “do you want to be informed of a very strange thing in his attributes and states?”

Hakima said, “What is that?”

Omm Isa answered, “I was so jealous in regard with Imam and would always watching him. Many times, I would hear something and would complain about it before my father. My father would say, ‘O my daughter! Be patient and do not complain. Verily, his majesty is like a part of the Prophet’s body.’

One day, I was sitting when a girl came to me and saluted.

I asked her, ‘who are you?’

She answered, ‘I am a daughter of Ammar Yasir and a wife to your husband Abi Jaꜥfar Imam Mohammad Taqi bin Ali al-Reza.’

When I heard that, I got upset and was burning of jealousy, in a way I could not tolerate it. I wanted to go out of the city and was being tempted to persecute that girl. Then, I suppressed my anger and pretended to be kind to her. I gave her some dresses and some money.

Ma’moon assassinates Imam Jawad (a.s.) by sword

When she went, I went to my father, Maʾmoon, while he was drunk, and informed it of that story. He, then, ordered his slave to take a sword and mounted on the horse, saying that he swears God to kill him. When I saw this, I told, ‘we are from God and we return to Him.’ I started to beat on my face for what would happen to me and my husband. My father went to Imam and blew him with his sword, tearing his body apart and went out. I followed him and ran away from the house.

I did not sleep that night. The day after, when the Sun rose, I went to my father and asked him, ‘do you know what you did last night?’

He asked, ‘what did I do?’

I told him, ‘you killed Imam Reza’s son.’

His eyes glittered and he fainted. When he became conscious, he told me, ‘damn you! What do you say?’

I replied, ‘I swear God you went to Imam and killed him with your sword…’

My father was so stressed and annoyed and called for his servant, Yasir. When Yasir came and Maʾmoon saw him, he told him, ‘Shame on you! What does this girl say?’

Yasir said, ‘she is right oh emir al-Muʾminin!’

Then Maʾmoon started to beat his face and his chest, saying ‘we are from God and we return to Him. O, we perished and were disgraced among people forever. Shame on you Yasir! Go to see what the story is and inform me of that soon. I’m going to die just now.’

Then, Yasir went out and after a short while came back …


Imam Jawad (a.s.) is surprisingly alive!

after a short while  Yasir came back and said, ‘good news for you.’

Maꜥmoon said, ‘good news for you as well. What’s the matter?’

Yasir said, ‘I entered Imam’s house and saw him sitting there. He was brushing his teeth. I saluted him and said, ‘O, the Prophet’s son! I like to have your shirt so that I may say my prayers with it and seek blessing from it.’ Of course, I just wanted to see Imam’s body and investigate it for the wounds. I swear God I saw his body sound and safe with no wound.’

Maʾmoon cried for a while and said, ‘after this news I have no sorrow. Verily, this is a lesson for all people. O, Yasir! I remember mounting  the horse, taking the sword and going towards Imam. also I recall coming out of Imam’s house, but but nothing else. I do not remember returning to my place and what I did when I was in Imam’s house. Damn this girl! O, Yasir! Go to my daughter and tell her, your father says I swear God if you come to me afterwards and complain, or if you come out of your house without Imam’s permission, I will revenge you. Then go to Imam Reza’s son and take my salutation to him, giving him 20,000 dinars and the horse I mounted last night. Then order all sons of Hashem to go to Imam and salute him.’”

Yasir says, “I ordered Hashemids and went with them to Imam’s house. We saluted and took Maʾmoon’s greeting to him, giving him the money and the horse.

Imam knows the truth

He smiled and said, ‘O, Yasir! Was this a covenant between me and my father with Maʾmoon to come to me with bare sword? Does he not know that there is an assistant for me who protects me against him?’”

Yasir says, “I told him, ‘O, My lord! O, the Prophet’s son! Do not scold me. I swear God Maʾmoon was not wise when he did so and did not know where he was. Verily, he has decided to have an oblation and has sworn not to be drunken afterwards. This time, he was deceived by Satan; thus, do not remind him of that when you went to him and do not reproach him for what he did.’”

Imam said, “I swear God that is my decision.” Then, he asked for his cloth and wore it.

hirzrazavi imam Jawad hirz razavi group
Imam Jawad (a) Hirz written on deerskin

Imam Jawad (a.s.) visits Ma’moon

He got up and went to Maʾmoon. When Maʾmoon saw him, he got up and held him to his chest and welcomed him. He did not permit anyone to enter and would speak to Imam nonstop.

When finished, Imam al-Jawad said, ‘O, emir al-Muʾminin!’

Maʾmoon said, ‘yes.’

Imam said, ‘there is a piece of advice for you with me. Pay attention and accept it.’

Maʾmoon said, ‘I accept and I thank you for it. What is it?’

Imam replied, ‘verily, I am afraid these persons may hurt you. I have a prayer for you to protect yourself with it, and prevent evils, blights, illnesses, plight and persecutions with it, just as God protected me from you last night. And if you face the armies of Rome and Turks and if all people of the earth gather to overcome you, they will not be able to do that by God’s permission. And if you want it, I will send you so that you may avoid – with it – all what I mentioned.’

Maʾmoon said, ‘Yes, I want it. Write it down for me and send it.’

Imam did so.”

Yasir says, “in the morning, Imam Abu Jaꜥfar sent someone to me and called for my presence. When I went to him, I sat before him. He asked for a deerskin from Tihamah land. Then, he wrote that prayer on the deerskin and said, ‘O, Yasir! Take this letter to emir al-Muʾminin.’”


This part has mentioned the cause for stating that amulet completely. Omm Isa was, apparently, another nickname for Omm Fazl, and we read in Tarājim Alām al-Nisā that her name was Zeinab.

The story behind the Hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) – Part two

And have a goldsmith make a pipe out of silver on which you must inscribe what we say. Then, you must perform a complete ablution, and say four rakꜥas of prayer. In each rakꜥa, you must recite Sura Ḥamd once, Āyat al-Kursī seven times, the verse shahid Allāh to the end seven times, the Suras wa-Shams and Wa-ḍuḥāhā seven times, wa-layl idhā yaghshāhā seven times, and Sura Towḥīd seven times. Then put it on your right arm to be protected – by God’s permission – from what you fear. It is better to write it when the moon is not in the Scorpio; and if you fight with the Romans and their king, you will overcome them by God’s permission and with the blessing of that amulet.


In this part, we find the instruction for using the Hirz of imam Jawad (a.s.), which is not found normally in other amulets:

– Having performed one’s ablution when wearing it;

– Wearing it on one’s right arm;

– Saying four rakꜥas prayer before putting the Hirz of imam Jawad (a.s.) on;

– Paying attention to the moon’s position for not being in the Scorpio;

– Experiencing the amulet by Maʾmoon.

The story behind the Hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) – Part three

And it is transmitted when Maʾmoon heard the benefits of the Hirz of imam Jawad (a.s.), he waged a war against the Romans and God made him victorious and he gained lots of war spoils. He would not put aside that amulet in any battle and God would always assist him with victories.


Considering the text of the Hirz of imam Jawad (a.s.), we can enumerate its usages in repulsing the plights, evil eyes, the evils of Satan and enemies, protection from wounds and harms, corruption, drowning, perishing and defeat, poverty, hunger and thirst, temptation, and deficiency in one’s religion and subsistence in life.

Another usage of the amulet is protecting one from witchery. In this regard, Allamah Majlesi says, “witchery is repulsed by amulets, Quranic verses and trust in God.” Ayatollah Bahjat says, “for preventing evil eyes and nullifying witchery, having Imam al-Jawad’s amulet is beneficial.”




In order to acquire and make the purchase of Imam al-Jawad (a) amulet click here

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