Prayer of Imam Ali (a.s.) For Increasing Rizq + Dua To Increase Wealth


In the book Al-Misbah by Allameh Kafami, from the book Muhaj al-da’awat wa manhaj al-‘ibadat written by al-Sayyid b. Ṭawus (may God have mercy on him), there is a narration from Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (a.s.) for someone whose means of sustenance are closed.
We call this prayer: “Prayer of Imam Ali For Increasing Rizq”

rizq razavi

To whom is “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq” beneficial?

The cause of hadith and the way to use “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq (sustenance)” is also written in the book as follows:

If a person who has sustenance difficulties and his ways of earning a living are closed, then writes this text on a deer skin or a piece of other kids of skin and hangs it on himself or places it in his clothes and Doesn’t take it away from himself, God will expand his sustenance as a result and provide him ways to earn a living, from where he doesn’t think.

What is written inside “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq”?

The beginning part of “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq” has been narrated as follows:

اللهم لا طاقة لفلان بن فلان بالجهد و لا صبر له علی البلاء و لا قوة‌ له علی الفقر و الفاقة اللهم فصل علی محمد و آل محمد

Is “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq” written under the individual name?

As it is highlighted above in the text of “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq (sustenance)”, instead of the phrase فلان بن فلان, the name of the owner and the name of his father should be placed.

This phrase there exists three times in the prayer, so the names are written three times totally.

Does the owner’s gender make differences in “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq”?

Yes, there are several reasons which make such differences in the prayer.

  • The names must be written three times.
  • There are many pronouns in the text, which refer to the owner.
  • There is a difference between masculine and feminine pronouns in Arabic language.

so it should be noted that the text of the prayer is different according to your gender.

The approach of “Razavi Group” in preparing “the prayer of imam Ali for increasing rizq (Sustenance)”

“Razavi group” tries to carefully write and prepare a prayer according to the order of ahadith. So our beloved companions can benefit greatly from its effects.



In order to acquire and make the purchase of Amir Al-Mu’minin’s prayer for increasing rizq (sustenance) click here


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