What is Hirz?

When you hear the word “hirz,” you might think about exorcism, writing a dua or prayer, related to a spell and [black] magic. But what exactly is a hirz

In this article, we aim to familiarize our dear readers of the Razavi Group about the meaning and concept of hirz.

The Lexical Meaning of Hirz


In Arabic dictionaries and lexicons, various definitions and meanings has been given for the word “hirz.” Some of these are shown in the table below:


Arabic TextTranslation
حِرز: (اسم)The word "hirz" is a noun.
الجمع : أَحْرازٌ Its plural form is "Ahrāz."
الحِرْزُ : الوعاء الحصينُ يُحفَظَ فيه الشيء "Hirz" is a sturdy container in which things are kept.
الحِرْزُ :المكان المنيع يلجأُ إِليه "Hirz" is a secure and fortified place to which one resorts.
الحِرْزُ :العُوذة، تميمة أو تعويذة يُكتب عليها وتُحمل لتحمِيَ حاملَها من المرض والخطر "Hirz" is an amulet, talisman, or charm on which something is written and carried to protect its bearer from illness and danger.
كَتَبَ لَها الْمُشَعْوِذُ حِرْزاً : أَيْ تَعْويذَةً، رُقْيَةً تَقِي حامِلَها مِنَ الشَّرِّ والْمَرَضِ كَما يَزْعُمونَThe writer (a scholar who knows the proper etiquette) writes a "hirz" for someone. It refers to an amulet, charm, or spell that protects the bearer from evil and illness.
وَضَعَتْ جَواهِرَها في حِرْزٍ أَمينٍ : في صُنْدوقٍ تَحْفظُ فيهِ الأَشْياءَ الثَّمينَةَ [When] someone placed their jewelry in a secure box (i.e., hirz): a box used to keep valuable items.
كانَ في حِرْزٍ حَريزٍ : في مَوْضِعٍ حَصينٍ There's a barrier in the “hirz”: it iis a sturdy and secure place.
hirz of imam jawad hirzrazavi

In narrations, a hirz is usually described as a prayer (dua) that is recited or written. It has a specific and special effect on the reciter or carrier of it, with Allah’s permission. There are also specific instructions and practices that is recommended for its use.


Yes, they recommended it.

As mentioned in some narrations like in the book “Bihar al-Anwar” and reliable sources like “Muhaj al-Da’awat,” not only did the Prophet (S) and the Imams (AS) have hirz for themselves; but they also recommended and provided hirz for their relatives and friends. It is worth mentioning that in reputable books, it is seen that each of the Infallibles (AS) had several specific hirz for different occasions and they used various prayers, supplications, and amulets accordingly.


Dictionaries and narrations contain words that are synonymous with hirz. These include “ta’widh or ta’weez,” “awdha (amulet),” “tamima (talisman),” and “ad’iyyat hujub (Hujub prayers).”


Indeed! While some narrations recommend the use of hirz and historical evidence shows that the Imams (AS) themselves used hirz, other narrations strongly prohibit their use. Some even equate using hirz with disbelief. This raises the question: why does this contradiction exist?

By exploring a little into the historical records and examining the beliefs of past nations, the answer to this question becomes utterly clear.

Here, the question arises: what exactly is a hirz? To clarify this, we must ask this question:

Is the effect of hirz inherent in the object itself? Or is it effective because it is a prayer, supplication, and request from Allah, only working by His permission and grace?

The answer is clear. According to narrations related to hirz, its effect comes solely from Allah. It becomes effective and beneficial only by His permission and grace, not because it has an independent effect.

Therefore, advisors of the Razavi Group always emphasize that hirz are merely tools, and the only effective force is from Allah SWT.

In ancient times and among ignorant tribes, some people used certain objects like, stones, bones, talismans and other things. They expect these things to have divine powers independently. This is why many narrations equate such practices with disbelief. Moreover, the content of the written texts and prayers [in a hirz] must also align with the Quran and narrations. If there is any hint of polytheism in these, then, it is certainly not usable.




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