Carrying the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad offers a sense of peace and calmness to an individual. The presence of a protective barrier and the assurance of something or someone watching over and safeguarding you are among the properties of the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad (a.s.).
Carrying this Hirz that is filled with the names of God, certainly draws the attention of guardian angels (Muwakkilin) to lookout and protect you, making this protection palpable.
Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) stated the following about this Hirz:
و عندی عقد تحصن به نفسک و تحترز به من الشرور و البلایا و المکاره و الافات و العاهات
“In my possession is an amulet that fortifies you against evils, calamities, distresses, and afflictions.”
This dua or supplication should be engraved on pure silver according to Imam al-Jawad’s instructions.
Translation of the Dua:
“O you who is known in the heavens and the earth; in this world and the hereafter. Kings and oppressors strive to extinguish your light and remembrance, but God does not permit this, even though the polytheists dislike it.”
A crucial and remarkable point to ponder: Who is this person known in the heavens and earth, in this world and the hereafter, whose light is sought to be extinguished but is preserved by God?
Allamah Majlisi clarifies:
“The intended reference is to the Master of the Pious, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).”
Why al-Jawad?
Why was Imam Muhammad al-Taqi, the ninth Imam, titled al-Jawad, and call him Jawad al-A’immah?
Al-Jawad refers to someone who never refuses a request, and even if the petitioner doesn’t ask but has a need, he gives generously. This title reflects generosity and munificence. Among our Imams, only Imam al-Jawad was named for his boundless benevolence. His generosity extended even to his adversaries. For instance, in the same elegy of Imam al-Jawad, he instructed Mamun to equip himself with this Hirz for safety from calamities, overcoming difficulties, and defeating enemies.
The narration states that after Mamun (may God curse him) achieved victory in all battles, it was all by the grace of God.
One noteworthy segment from the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad states:
و آحرس صاحب هذا العقد و هذا الحرز و هذا الکتاب بعینک التی لاتنام و اکنفه برکنک الذی لا یرام وارحمه بقدرک علیه فانه مرزوقک.
“And guard the bearer of this contract, this Hirz, and this book with Your ever-watchful eye that never sleeps. Surround him with Your impenetrable protection and have mercy on him according to Your provision, for he is sustained by You.”
This means that God protects the bearer of this Hirz and prayer with His ever-watchful eyes and places them under His protection, granting them everything they need. It signifies that the person who carries this Hirz is continually safeguarded by God’s ever-watchful eyes that never sleep.
Some Benefits of the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad (a.s.):
- Warding off witchcraft and sorcery
- Protection from devils (both jinn and humans)
- Facilitating and easing difficult tasks
- Increasing livelihood and abundance
- Protection from illness
- Preserving one’s reputation from slander
- Warding off temptation and achieving a good end
- Increasing blessings in provision and livelihood
- Progress in affairs and tasks
- Gaining respect and dignity
- Achieving victory over enemies
- Dispelling the fear of loneliness
- Fulfillment of legitimate needs
- Eliminating the risk of betrayal for the bearer of the Hirz
- Avoiding threats to one’s status and authority (preserving power)
- Avoiding the dangers of thirst and hunger
- Needing nothing but Allah SWT
- Alleviating hardships, difficulties and troubles
- Strengthening family relations
An extremely important point:
According to the narration, you must enclose the Hirz in silver because part of the prayer needs to be engraved on the silver. Without the silver enclosure, the Hirz is incomplete.
Some people think they should only obtain the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad when they encounter problems or when they are always hitting a dead end, or to remove spells and improve luck. While it is useful and beneficial for these purposes, you should know that every person should carry this Hirz for protection and prevention against troubles and spells, which means effective prevention.
Note that the Hirz of Imam al-Jawad serves both as a remedy and as a means of elevation.
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