Powerful Amulet for Protection and Healing from the Evil Eye

Razavi Group Evil Eye Amulet

The Amulet for Protection Against the Evil Eye + Its Proof

The Razavi Group has prepared an amulet to both prevent and protect the user with the harm of the evil eye. This amulet is also designed to heal those already affected by it, offering protection as well as relief from its negative effects.

The Razavi Group’s amulet for the evil eye consists of two parts and each are written on deerskin.

While some talismans on the market may not follow proper guidelines, the Razavi Group ensures that its products are crafted according to the instructions found in authentic religious narrations and traditions.

Before beginning the inscription, the scribe must recite Surah Al-Fatiha, and the Razavi Group’s scribes strictly adhere to this practice.

Proof of the Evil Eye Amulet

In the book Makarim al-Akhlaq by Hasan ibn al-Fadhl al-Tabarsi, two narrations are provided to protect and cure against the evil eye. We will refer to these narrations here.

**This is the source of the Razavi Group’s evil eye amulet.**

The Beginning of the First Hirz:

باسم الله أعيذ فلان بن فلانة بكلمات الله التامات من شر خلق وذرأ وبرأ ومن كل عين ناظرة وأذن سامعة ولسان ناطق …

This prayer (dua) is for those who have already been affected by the evil eye. It has healing properties, meant to remove the negative effects of the evil eye from the afflicted person.

It is also emphasized that before writing this hirz, Surah Al-Fatiha must be recited.

The phrase “[name] son of [mother’s name]” in the text indicates that the person’s name and their mother’s name must be inscribed. Therefore, this amulet is completely personalized and custom-made.

The Beginning of the Second Hirz:

اللهم رب مطر حابس وحجر يابس وليل دامس ورطب ويابس رد عين العين عليه في كيده ونحره وماله فارجع البصر … 

This second prayer (dua) is written for the prevention of the evil eye. It means that, by Allah’s permission and the blessing of this prayer, the bearer will be protected from the evil eye.

Source: Tabarsi, Radhi al-Din. Makarim al-Akhlaq. Al-A’lami Publications, Vol. 1, p. 415.

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