Frequently Asked Questions about the Hirz of Imam Jawad

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One of the frequently asked questions about the hirz of Imam Jawad (a.s.) is this – why is it on deer skin? Is using it for our own protection harming the environment?

If it is harming the environment then, even, an infallible Imam would not be pleased, I swear; why not use paper instead?

Perhaps at that time there was no paper, that’s why the Imam mentioned [to write it on] deer skin. Then, why not use the skin of another animal? Isn’t this blatantly illegal?

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God says in the Quran: 

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ سَخَّرَ لَكُم مَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَالْفُلْكَ تَجْرِي فِي الْبَحْرِ بِأَمْرِهِ وَيُمْسِكُ السَّمَاءَ أَن تَقَعَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ  بِالنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ [22:65]

“Did you not see that Allah has made subservient to you whatever is in the earth and the ships that sail in the sea by His command? He keeps the sky from falling down on the earth except by His permission. Surely Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to mankind.” [22:65]

This means everything in the heavens and the earth is subservient to you and for you. All creatures must reach their perfection and each creature has a perfection suited to its nature.

For example: a grain of wheat. When it bears fruit and this fruit is not consumed or turned into bread to nourish a believer, enabling them to worship, then, it hasn’t fulfilled its purpose (i.e. it has certainly not reached its perfection). The same applies to animals; if a sheep is killed without reason, it is an act of injustice.

However, if it is slaughtered for its meat and skin to be used, the animal has fulfilled its purpose and reached its own form of completion and perfection.

For what it was created has been used; humans and animals are the pinnacle of existence and the most honored of creatures, needing other living beings for life, of course, not to the extent of wastefulness.

I’ll summarize the detailed discussion: using deer skin is certainly acceptable and pleasing to God when it serves a beneficial purpose, such as for protection or safeguarding life.

Now, who understands more, us or the Infallible Imams? Are we more compassionate, or are they?

This is an instruction from the Imam, and there are other narrations as well that state the use of deer skin. This implies that there is a special feature in this material.

Another important point is that, thank God, farmed deer are now available, so there is no need to harm the environment or cause extinction.

Interestingly, the Hirz of Imam Jawad begins with Surah Al-Fatiha, which represents God’s absolute mercy. Furthermore, the verse following it, which starts the first line of Imam Jawad’s Hirz, reminds us that creation should be used for the perfection of humanity, but in the right way.

Key point in the narration about this dua:

“A scroll from the land of Tihamah.” This refers to the skin of a deer or a mountain goat from the region of Tihamah. Our understanding, based on research and references to lexicons, suggests that the term “Dhabi” includes both deer and gazelles, as well as mountain goats. Therefore, it is permissible to write the prayer on the skin of any of these animals that is available.

What kind of pen should be used to write it?

Regarding the type of pen to use for writing the Hirz, some people suggest using a fig tree stick, while others recommend using saffron and rosewater or blessed water with a handmade wooden pen made by a Muslim. Which of these options is correct?


The narration does not specify which type of pen should be used to write the Hirz of Imam Jawad, leaving this point open. Consequently, using saffron and rosewater is merely a matter of personal preference, although it’s a good and praiseworthy choice. While using soil and saffron is commendable, it is not necessary.

On the other hand, writing on the skin with a regular pen is quite difficult, let alone with a fig stick. In any case, we adhere strictly to the narration.

Some claim that the ink and pen must be made by a Muslim.

Firstly, the narration does not state this. Secondly, this belief likely originated because, in the past, the ink might have been contaminated when made by non-believers. However, today, everything is machine-made without direct contact with hands.

Nevertheless, as a precaution, we use a pen made by a Muslim, ensuring both the ink and the pen tip are Islamic.

Should the Hirz always be kept with me? What about when sleeping or using the restroom? What about specific times for women? If it is removed from the arm, do I need to repeat the namaz or prayer (for the hirz)?


An interesting narration from Imam Jawad (a.s.): 

The answer of Imam Jawad according to the narrations:

He stated that in times of hardship and difficulty, one should tie the Hirz to their arm so that God will provide assistance. It’s not always necessary to keep it with you, but if someone prefers, they may always wear it on their arm.

It is generally recommended to wear the Hirz outside the home. It’s better to remove it when using the restroom, especially since it contains sacred soil. Wearing it throughout the month is permissible.

For those who suffer from nightmares or restless sleep, it is advised to wear the Hirz on the arm while sleeping. For women, there is no restriction on carrying the Hirz at any time.

When bathing, however, it is better to remove the Hirz to prevent it from getting wet, even if it is sealed with strong adhesive.


Wudhu is only required the first time the Hirz prayer (namaz) is recited. After that, there is no issue in wearing the Hirz without wudhu, and it is also permissible to touch it, as it does not come into direct contact with the prayer text (the Hirz is vacuum-sealed and does not touch the body).

Regarding the prayer of Imam Jawad, it states that Ayat al-Kursi should be recited. Does this refer to just the first verse or all three verses as commonly understood?


The first verse is sufficient, and the term “Ayat al-Kursi” refers specifically to the first verse.


One of the common questions regarding the Hirz of Imam Jawad is:

Should the Hirz of Imam Jawad must always be worn?


As you know, the narration states that the Hirz should be tied to the right arm for its effects to manifest. The Imam mentions in the narration:

“In times of hardship and difficulty, tie the Hirz,” which implies that it’s not necessary to wear the Hirz on the arm 24/7, although it is better if it is worn continuously.

Another frequently asked question:

Why does it takes so long for the Hirz of Imam Jawad to be prepared and delivered. The reason for this relatively long process is due to several factors:

  • This Hirz is custom-made, and preparation begins only after you place your order, unlike market amulets that are pre-prepared and written in advance.
  • There is a high level of precision required in the writing and preparation stages.
  • The writing is done at specific times, adhering to certain rituals.
  • Due to the sensitivity of writing the Hebrew letters (the talisman) in the middle of the Hirz, I personally handle this part for all Hirz.

Thank you for your patience. 


  • Validation of Muhaj al-Da’awat wa Minhaj al-‘Ibadat by Sayyid Ibn Tawus
  • Definition of “Hirz” in Shia Culture
  • Validation of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • The Story of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Frequently Asked Questions about the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Manuscript of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Features of a Custom Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Some Benefits of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Lack of Effectiveness of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • How to Perform the Hirz Prayer of Imam Jawad
  • Observing the Rituals of the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Differences Between Market-Ready and Custom Hirz
  • Tips for Using the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • The Right Time for Writing the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Hirz of Imam Jawad for Children
  • Etiquette for Wearing the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • Benefits of the Hirz of Imam Jawad Ring
  • Sources and Opinions of Religious Scholars on the Hirz of Imam Jawad
  • 80 Benefits of the Prayer for the Hirz of Imam Jawad (peace be upon him)
  • Benefits of the Hirz of Imam Jawad according to Ayatollah Bahjat
  • Types of the Hirz of Imam Jawad (peace be upon him)

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