Special Arbaeen Package


  • Gemstone of imam Hussain (a.s.) holy shrine
  • Perfume of imam Hussain (a.s.) holy shrine
  • Holy turbah (soil) of imam Hussain (a.s.)
  • Turbah (muhr) and islamic tasbih (prayer beads) made of holy turbah(soil) of imam Hussain (a.s.)
  • Minor hirz (amulet) of imam al-Jawad (a.s.)
  • Travel prayer

Written with rosewater, saffron, turbah of imam Hussain (a.s.), and water from the holy tomb of hazrat Hbbas (a.s.) on real deerskin

Special Properties, Features, And Further Information:

Razavi Group Arbaeen Package

Minor Hirz (Amulet) of Imam Al-Jawad (a.s.)

یَا نُورُ یَا بُرْهَانُ یَا مُبِینُ یَا مُنِیرُ یَا رَبِّ اکْفِنِی الشُّرُورَ وَ آفَاتِ الدُّهُورِ وَ أَسْأَلُکَ النَّجَاهَ یَوْمَ یُنْفَخُ فِی الصُّور

O light, o proof, o enlightener, o lord, protect me from the evils of the calamities of the ages, and i ask you for deliverance on the day when trumpet is blown.

  • Eliminating the evil eyes
  • Protecting from all kinds of evils, disasters, unhappiness, harassment, and calamities
  • Being successful in the hereafter
  • Written with rosewater, saffron, turbah of imam Hussain (a.s.), and water from the holy tomb of hazrat abbas (a.s.) On real deerskin
Razavi Group Arbaeen Package

Travel Prayer

سُبْحانَ الَّذِی سَخَّرَ لَنا هذا وَما کنّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِینَ. وَ إِنّا إِلی رَبِّنا لَمُنْقَلِبُونَ

Glory be to him who made this subservient to us and we were not able to do it. And surely to our lord we must return.

  • Written with rosewater, saffron, turbah of imam Hussain (a.s.), and water from the holy tomb of hazrat Abbas (a.s.) on real deerskin

In the narrations and ahadith:

Amir al-mu’minin imam Ali (a.s.)
Whenever you ride, remember god and recite this dua.

Imam Reza (a.s.)
It is thanks to god that whenever god blesses his servant, he recites this prayer.

Razavi Group Arbaeen Package

Turbah (Soil) of Imam Hussain (a.s.)

  • Cure for every pain and disease except death if we believe in it
  • The only soil that is not forbidden to eat and is eaten as much as a pea to ward off diseases
  • Protecting from calamities and unintentional acts
  • Feeling safe in times of fear

Value of imam Hussain’s turbah in ahadith:

Whenever the angels descend to the earth, other angels or hoor al-ayn request them to bring the turbah of imam Hussain (a.s.) As a gift.

Imam reza (a.s.) did not send the goods unless he did put some turbah in it so that by god’s permission it would be safe from calamities.

Prayer to use and eat turbah:

It has been narrated that whenever one of you wants to use and eat it, he should take it around his fingers and it is as big as a pea, kiss it and put it on both eyes and rub it on the rest of the body and say:

اَللّهُمَّ بِحَقِّ هذِهِ التُّرْبَةِ وَبِحَقِّ مَنْ حَلَّ بِها وَثَوى فیها وَبِحِقِّ جَدِّهِ وَاَبیهِ وَاُمِّهِ وَاَخیهِ وَالاَئِمَّةِ مِنْ وُلْدِهِ وَبِحَقِّ الْمَلاَّئِکَةِ الْحافّینَ بِهِ اِلاّ جَعَلْتَها شِفاءً مِنْ کُلِّ دآءٍ وَبُرْءا مِنْ کُلِّ مَرَضٍ وَنَجاةً مِنْ کُلِّ آفَةٍ وَحِرْزا مِمّا اَخافُ وَاَحْذَرُ

O god, by the right of this honorable turbah and by the right of the honorable one who landed and settled in it and by the right of his ancestors, parents and imams from his children and by the right of the angels who have covered him, that you make it (turbah), healing from every pain and cure from every disease, and freedom from every pest, and refuge from everything I fear and avoid.

Razavi Group Arbaeen Package

Perfume of Imam Hussain (a.s.) Holy Shrine

  • Purchased from karbala

In the narrations and ahadith:

Two rakats of prayer of a person who perfumes himself (during prayer) is better than seventy rakats of prayer of a person who does not use perfume.

It is not proper for a man to remove the pleasant smell from himself every day, and if he cannot, do it every other day, and if he cannot, do it every week. He should wear perfume and not leave it.

When amir al-mu’minin Ali (a.s.) Brought the mahr of hazrat Fatima Zahra (a.s.), the prophet (s.a.w.) ordered that two-thirds of it should be spent on buying fragrances and perfumes.

Razavi Group Turbah and Tasbih

Turbah (Muhr) And Islamic Tasbih (Prayer Beads) Made of Holy Turbah (Soil) of Imam Hussain (a.s.)

  • The best thing for sujud and prostration
  • Causes prayer to be accepted
  • Destroys the seven spiritual veils

In the narrations and ahadith:

Whoever counts the zikr with a device made from turbah of imam hussain (a.s.), god will record four hundred good deeds for him, forgive him four hundred sins, fulfill his four hundred needs, and add four hundred degrees to his rank.

Anyone who carries tasbih made of holy turbah (soil) of imam hussain (a.s.) Is always considered a reciter, even if he is not engaged in zikr.

To buy this product, please contact us on our social networks

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